Christie Scheele

Christie Scheele has been a colorist for DC/Marvel comics for several years primarily working on Color Guides. If there is color art you are looking for by Christie and you don't see it on the website, please feel free to contact me.

What Are Color Guides (Colorist Art)?

Colorist art, commonly referred to as a color guide, is a photocopy of the original art that is then hand-colored by the colorist. This guide is then used for the computerized color seperations. Just like their original art counterpart, colorist art is a unique one-of-a-kind item. The dimensions for colorist art primarily measure 8.5" X 11". Some pieces will have color "codes" written on them to depict the actual color used for that part of the page. Others will either not have the codes on them or they will be on a separate overlay. Proofs are the final printed version of the color guides for approval before going to print.

Art By Title

Dreadstar Annual - Oversize color proof

Elektra (1996)

Elektra: Root of Evil


Gambit - Complete issue

Ghost Rider Annual (only the first story)

Ironman 2020

Marc Spector: Moon Knight

Marvel Graphic Novel : Dazzler the Movie Color Guide

Marvel Universe : The End

Moon Knight

Spider-girl Spidergirl