Brett Breeding
Brett Breeding is a very talented inker working with some of the finest artists in the industry such as Dan Jurgens & Ron Frenz. He has worked on titles such at Thor, Spidergirl, Superman, Spiderman and is currently working on DC style guides. You can view his commission rates & commission examples by clicking the link below.
Art By Title
Action Comics
Adventures of Superman
Batman Hand colored print
Carol Ferris
Chemo Attacks
Chemo Attacks WB IPad Interactive book
Green Arrow 7
Green Arrow Corps
Green Lantern 5
Green Lantern D
Green Lantern I
Green Lantern K
Green Lantern L
Green Lantern M
Green Lantern P
Green Lantern S
Ironman : Spider Max Variant
Killer Croc
Kilowog E
Kilowog F
Reverse Flash
Reverse Flash 2
Robin Earth 2 Hand colored print
Shadow Demaon
Superman : Man of Tomorrow
Superman Cover
Superman Red / Superman Blue
Superman: Toppling Titano
Tomar Re - Green Lantern Corp '11
Tomar Re A
Tomar Re B
X- Deaths of Wolverine Variant